Roof repairs
Under (un)secure roof
It can be said that the roof is the fifth facade of the building and the condition of the entire building depends on it. If it is in a poor condition for a long period, the moist penetrating through it passes down the walls of the entire building and leads to its gradual ruin. Do not wait for your roof to "surprise" you in the most unsuitable moment. If the roof starts leaking, you must make the right choice of materials for the roof and the most appropriate selection of masters to perform the repairs.
Hausmeister works with the exceptionally good roof systems Bramac and recommends them to its customers. In respect of roofs, traditional views, methods and materials became hopelessly obsolete and had to be replaced by new ones – more contemporary and more advanced. Overriding is the conclusion that we are contemporaries evidencing the end of the Marseille roof tiles. They in turn (following the example of Turkish tiles) now make room for the more sophisticated roof waterproofing and bitumen roof tiles.
What you should know
It is good to know that modern roof is a complex technological unity between supporting structure, waterproofing, vapor and thermal insulation, ventilation of the roof waterproofing cover and of the wooden roof structure, linings and drainage system, lightning protection system, etc. It is very important for the roof to "breathe", that is, to ensure the unobstructed passage of water vapors and their leading off out of the roof system in order to prevent the formation of condensation in the roof structure. In other words, modern roof cares well for the occupants of the under-roof space. It "breathes" like a living organism, protects us from the rain, cold, sun and thunders. It can even produce electricity and heat water.
We can help you make the roof perform well all the functions that is has. Contact us!
The prices will be determined after inspection, since every roof repair is exceptionally and strictly specific.